Thursday, November 13, 2008

i'm going to take a bath in my apartment for the firs time tonight. not like bathing, but the kinda bath where you feel the bathtub up and sulk and think and relax until your fingernails get gooey.

the last week has been rough! It's November so if anyone else is in college you know that = crunch time. nevermind the 4382904893 things i'm involved in as of late... I have a 20 page paper due on December 3. I have 4 pages. i'm sooo ready to go home for Thanksgiving. It's so odd that me and my sister are feeling the same way worlds apart.

i would start a countdown until i come home again, but that'd just make it worse. my parents might be coming up to see me next week?! but i'm not gonna hold my breath...



1/3 said...

lol im feeling the pressure too. maybe i need to take a bath to try to calm down too lol

A.M. said...

yea I jerk I took 4 lit courses this semester so I have 4 10 page papers to write, 2 more papers for other classes, and 1 final...ugh

Good luck to us :)

kit von b. said...

havent been here in a while, but i DO miss you.
