Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Do you ever feel like you have a to-do list that keeps growing longer and longer?

That's how I feel. I feel like my to-do list could possibly span the length of the great wall of China. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a little bit.

And maybe I'm just procrastinating too. I keep telling myself to call and schedule an appointment to get a flu shot here at school, call and schedule my check-ups for when I get home, write my assignment...due tomorrow, and other things in between.

Nevertheless, it's been a good Tuesday. I woke up today, at 7 am. Daylight savings has been a blessing to me the last few mornings, I don't know when it's gonna set it, but I'm enjoying my "extra" hour of sleep. Despite, it sounded like Saw 4 outside my window. There has been MAJOR construction...as in building a bridge literally outside my window since August. Sometimes it's so loud my morning deliria + the big monster machines makes me think there are people in masses outside my window talking in high pitch voices. I know. Weird.

On a good note, I gave blood today and join the registry for bone marrow. I saved three lives today! And possibly more, so I treated myself to mid-afternoon sushi and back episodes of Grey's anatomy, which I have finally caught up on. The Grey's was better than the sushi, by far, it kinda left me with a tummy ache. I'm so anxious to get home and get fresh sushi from Kanki and sushi instruction for my sister. I'm only a beginner, i'm stuck on California roll...minus avocado. yuck.

My blood giving experience was alot better than the last; last time I left with wholes in both my arms and just a bad...just bad.

It's supposed to be super cold tonight/tomorrow. And of course, I have a class at 8 am. So if you see a large moving thing wrapped in scarves and multiple layers tomorrow, don't be frightened, it's just me.

I have a psych test tomorrow. My goal is to get an A. I need an A. I think I can do it.

I'm sorry but...am I the only person who loves Kanye and Lexi?! lol

..and in case you were wondering, I do know this is my second post in 24 hours. thanks.

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