Thursday, January 31, 2008

stay tuned.

I know I have been extremely rude to my blog. Yes, I have noticed my average 4.5 lines and random posts just to stay that I posted.

Next week...I will be back. My arena has been spiraling in the past few weeks and although I'm only a third of the way of where I need to be, I'm ready to put it all here. I can't lie and say I haven't been writing for a reason. Writing some things and making them visible makes them true to my heart and mind.

In the mean time, read the news or something. Our world needs attention. Besides that on Britney.

Tommorow's February 1st. Can you believe it? Ribbit Ribbit.


Niki McNeill Brown said...

Ribbit Ribbiit??? I thought I was the only one who remembered that!! That's why I love you sister :)

Don said...

Britney does seem to be hogging the news. It appears to be Anna Nicole Smith all over again.

Writing some things and making them visible makes them true to my heart and mind.
