Monday, October 27, 2008

you ready, B?!?

hey kiddies!!!

sorry i've been MIA, school is hectic  and busy at times, but i'm making it!

i'm going to kansas city Wednesday for a Convention! I'm excited.  I was kinda upset because they do Halloween big here at colleges here in NC (not mine bc my school is WACK! get that later), I was planning on visiting my friends or seeing Lil'Wayne in concert at home but...he cancelled the concert (surprise.) so I guess I didn't have to decide.

 my plan for Kansas City is to: 
1. sleep in every day
2. go to my minimum of 3 workshops a day
3. live it up

although i'm living the broke college life as of late because my checks from my job this summer have stopped coming. I don't know whats really in Kansas City, i wiki'd KC but I didnt find much lol i was told they had good barbeque? school is so wack! Joe Biden was on campus last week for a public rally and the school didn't think it was important to tell the students. What's up with that? And the Beastie Boys, Cheryl Crow and Santogold were doing a rally on campus today. I really wanted to see Santogold, but I had class...I later found out she didn't show up so I wasn't too upset.

I don't know about you but I feel like Thanksgiving is sooooo far away. I miss my friends and my families soo much it makes no sense. I've been trying to talk to my Mom like everyday lol but I dont think she is getting the point

I can't believe my sister has been in Italy for almost 2 months! I talked to her last night! I miss her muchos grandes.

It's really cold here in Charlotte! I need someone to cuddle huggle with (sigh)

i have a test tomorrow boooo but after that I'll probably be preparing to head outfor my trip this week! hollaaaaa

i'm gonna try my bestest to blog from KC! If not..check my twitter on the left up top!


Latoya said...



Niki McNeill Brown said...

have fun in KC with Jonathan!:)
Thanksgiving is only 4 weeks away... it will fly by!

i love you! talk to u soon ;)

Dre' Leon said...

yea i heard kc has pretty good bbq too. i've never eaten bbq in kc but i been to place (in atl) called kc bbq pit...i guess that doesn't count...

your school seems to be pulling for j. mccain. i, personally, would have missed class to see santogold and would've been upset when she didn't show...

thanksgiving is right around the corner for me...i gotta buy a plane ticket and rent a car...all that stuff...$$$$

yea i miss your sister too...

its flippin' cold in ATL! Hot-lanta my a$$!

be cool up there in kc...have fun and live it up!