Thursday, April 3, 2008 & happy bdays.

I've never been comfortable doing nothing...but as of late, it seems I've been doing just that. I know, it's really been intentional! I think I keep seeing May but it's really still April. At the end of my public speaking class this morning, (which I now hate because we flew through the book to now watch numerous movie clips everyday of speeches at 8 o clock in the morning) the class reminded the teacher that an assignment was due. An assignment that Adrianne completely forgot about. For some reason I thought it was due the 13th...which is not even a weekday lol. Whatever, it was definitely a slap in the face that I need to focus for the next 4 weeks. I admit my head and time has been quite a few other places rather than mostly on school.

On a good note, this weekend is a major bday weekend! Today is my bestest birthday and tomorrow is my bestest from another life time, Jill Scott's birthday. Looking forward to celebrating...I hope. It's so weird, me and my best friend are polar opposites when it comes to our birthdays. I love birthdays, I go all out for my friends and love my day...but she's like okay? It's April 3. What?

I'm headed to her within the hour, so I'm looking forward to a good bestfriends weekend. And the Heels taking it on Saturday.

Happy Weekend to you too.


kit von b. said...

happy bday bff!!!

action packed weekend for me too...i wanna see pics missy.


dessex said...

don't have too much fun. Enjoy the weekend.

1/3 said...

I so been there with the losing focus lol. I hope you enjoy your weekend!

Bloominggirl said...

it's so good to know that im not the only one who's going crazy with school shiz... I was up till 2am doing homework that was due at midnight...ummm?? do you think the proffesor will care? IDC!

Adrianne M said...

Everyone --> Weekend as great! Thanks!, yea, it's going.