Sunday, July 13, 2008

some dreams stay dreams,some dreams come true

added a few things to my vision board this weekend...

mind if i share?

one step to making my dream --> reality

spring 2009: kingston university, uk
i'm a journalism major. i need it.

gotta get back here. soon.

my baby.

gots to.

only necessary.

can't share everything with you but..just look forward to seeing it all come true.

what's on your vision board?


Stew said...

as of right now i just want to get out of school. everything else will happen after that.

Anonymous said...

sometimes the mac is a pain in the is universal...whereas mac isnt...
but i loved seeing u today!! dont forget we have to chill once that girl comes home

Niki McNeill Brown said...

here is my vision board!!
i made it my desktop background so hat i look at it everytime i use my computer.

dessex said...

my vision board consist of money, a benz and me owning my own business....I will get there.

Dre' Leon said...

fashion university?!? sounds exciting!

ur going to the uk next spring?!? sounds exciting!

mac ur $$$ and get a mac pro! sounds expensive!

paris! yea i want to get back to tokyo!

nice mercedes! looks nice and expensive!

straight A's?!? sounds like a lot of studying and late nights but it'll be worth it!

$$$ - you too?!!?

arychtexas said...

1.picture of me and jesus!

2.24 HR shopping spree at RAPLH LAUREN.COM



5.That cash!

Charles said...

I'm feeling your list...

...but a mac though...??

kit von b. said...

u went to parisssssssss!?!?!?!?


Eb the Celeb said...

I love that car too!

Anonymous said...

Were most defffff going to Fashion U!!!

Adrianne M said...

Stew --> Yea, I have a looong time until I'm done with school. But I understand

Taylar --> Yea! see u soon

niki --> Loves it.

Dessex --> I believe in you!

KidA--> I want it ALLLLLLLLLL!

Archytexas --> Wouldn't you want to do the shopping spree in the store? The clothes might not fit if you buy them all online! Charities are good. Amen.

Charles --> Yea, what's wrong with the mac??

KarrieB --> I did. It was amazing.

Eb --> That car makes me wanna say "wowchickawaaawwaa" lol

Luxxie --> yup, see you there :)